WebExpress v3.0 New Features


Enhanced Multimedia
Enhanced Image Support
Cascading Style Sheets
Web Site Management
WebExpress Wizards
Miscellaneous Extras

These are the new features you will find in v3.0. Rather than give you the marketing spin of the features, we'll point out the new features by category and tell you how to access them within the program.


Enhanced Multimedia Support

Plug-ins (Insert menu > Multimedia Plug-ins)

The Plug-in Wizard allows you to easily add sounds, videos and other browser plug-ins.

ActiveX (Insert menu > ActiveX)

Full ActiveX Support. Native object property sheets accessible only on Windows 95/NT systems.

Marquees (Insert menu > Marquee)

Internet Explorer Marquee Extension. Allows you to add text, images, etc. Control the background color, scroll direction, scroll speed.


Enhanced Image Support

Better Quality

Enhanced image quality throughout. Faster loading, better dithering on 256-color systems.

Image Map Editor (Utilities menu > Image Map Properties)

Graphical image map editor. Visually create rectangular, circular or polygonal image maps.

Image Text (Utilities menu > Create Image Text)

This super cool new feature allows you to easily add text to any image. Great for defining buttons or annotating images, for example.

Image Editor (Utilities menu > Edit with...)

Launch the selected image with your favorite image editor, such as Adobe Photoshop or PaintShop Pro. Configurable for any editor that supports command line options.

Image Conversion (Utilities menu > Convert Image)

Convert image to any of the supported formats including gif, jpeg, tif, pcx, wmf, png, and more. Automatically asks to convert to an Internet format when you insert non gif/jpeg images. Allows you to set transparent color in gif files.


Cascading Style Sheets

Style Sheets (Format menu > Edit Style Sheets)

Create Cascading Style Sheets giving more precise control over formatting of HTML documents in the new generation of browsers (4.0 and beyond). Note that while very powerful, style sheets may cause problems in portability between browsers. Therefore, they are currently best suited for environments where a known browser will be used, e.g., intranets using Explorer 4.0.

Character, Paragraph, and Document styles can be created and stored within a document or in an external style sheet file (.CSS). HTML documents can be linked to external style sheets, providing excellent maintenance and a consistent look across a web site.

For best results, create all your styles and style sheets within WebExpress. Importing style sheets created elsewhere may have unpredictable results.



Frame set pages can now be loaded directly into their frame set. The frame pages can then be edited in-context with the correct size and position just as they will appear in a browser.

From within a frame set page, use Ctrl-Click or F8 to load the default frame page into its frame. Test your target links within each frame to ensure proper link destinations before going to a browser.


Web Site Management

Tiled Web Site (View menu > Tile Web Site)

Keep the Web Site Manager window available at all times, making it even easier than before to see the organization of your site and traverse through it.

Web Site Templates (File menu > New)

Create the look and feel of your web site once using Web Site Templates. Whenever you create a new page, you can select from a list of existing templates to create it for you. Templates can include color settings, background images, text, tables, graphics and links.

You can optionally link pages to the templates that created them. When the Web Page Properties for the template change, so do the properties for all pages linked to it.

Publish Web Site (Web Site Mgr. > File > Publish Web Pages)

Transfers files from your computer to your web site with the click of a button. Transfer all files, or just those that have changed since the last transfer. Uses standard FTP technology so no special server-side extensions are required.

Web Site Rename (Web Site Mgr. > Edit > Rename)

Click on a page, link, image, or image map within the Web Site Manager and rename the item. Optionally choose to update all occurrences throughout your web site and file. Great for globally changing URLs and standard image files.

Web Site Goto Reference (Web Site Mgr. > Edit > Goto Reference)

By clicking on a page, link, image, or image map within the Web Site Manager window, find the source of a link or image instantly. Great for removing links, and finding where images and image maps are used.

Print Web Site (Web Site Mgr. > File > Print Web Site)

Print the hierarchical view of your web site. Collapse or expand web site for selected views. Great to show others how your site is organized.


WebExpress Wizards

Setup Wizard (Help > WebExpress Setup Wizard)

Walks the new user through the preference options to get the set up right from the start and introduce them to the various features in WebExpress.

Runs the first time you use WebExpress or from the Help menu.

New Web Site Wizard (File menu > New Web Site)

Walks you through setting up your entire web site. You can optionally setup a new web site from an existing site, start from scratch, or use one of the many web site themes included with WebExpress. The wizard will then automatically create copy necessary files, make templates and configure the web site.

Forms Wizard (Insert menu > Create Form)

Walks you through form creation, allowing forms to be easily setup from pre-configured popular forms. New forms can be added to the wizard by the user.

Plug-in Wizard

Walks you through adding sound, video and other multimedia plug-ins.

Frame Set Wizard (File menu > New Frame Set)

Walks you through the creation of a frame set. Choose from popular frame configurations or start from scratch.


Miscellaneous Extras

Forward/Back Browse

WebExpress now browses even more like a browser with forward and back buttons. Allows you to return to a page even when there is now backward link. Also available from the SpeedTools tool bar.

Insert File (File menu > Insert File)

Insert an ASCII text or HTML file directly into any HTML document at the current cursor location. Eliminates the need to re-key information stored within other programs.

HTML Blocks (Insert menu > HTML > Block)

Insert large blocks of consecutive HTML commands which you wish to have WebExpress ignore. WebExpress will include this code untouched when writing out files, allowing for hand-tuned code to be inserted and maintained from within WebExpress.

HTML Blocks work great for HTML code snippets you receive from someone else (e.g., the LinkExchange), with directions to simply paste it into your HTML file.

Advanced users can also protect blocks of code from within a text editor using the following comment matching scheme.

<!-- $MVD$:codeblock() -->
Your private HTML block goes here...
<!-- $MVD$:codeblock() -->

Note that your block must be enclosed by the two codeblock comments. Care must be taken here! If you fail to use matching comment pairs, some or all of your HTML file may not operate properly within WebExpress.

Unless you are confident in your HTML abilities, it is strongly recommended that you use the dialog within WebExpress to edit HTML blocks rather than using a text editor.

Visible Bookmarks

Inserted bookmarks are now visible within WebExpress. This makes finding, copying and deleting the destination bookmarks much easier. You can toggle them on and off with other HTML markers using the View/HTML Markers toggle command.


This web site was created with WebExpress version 3.0 on February 19, 1998. Please send your comments or questions to MicroVision Technical Support: support@mvd.com
© 1998 MicroVision Development, Inc. All rights reserved.